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RssNurse Manager, Case Manager, and Staff Development Coodinator.

I want to succeed forward in the health field and continue taking care of patient's and their families. I enjoy teaching the patient, family, and co-workers even tho I have an Associates Degree in Nursing. I am willing to go that extra mile to further my education and keep up with the changing day to day tasks in the medical field. I am a people person and enjoy taking care of them. On my resume, you will see that I have been a teacher of CNA and LPN and I enjoyed the teaching and learning aspect of it as much as the students did. I have also worked in an outpatient setting as a Hospice, Home Health, and Chemotherapy nurse. I am working on my BS degree slowly and will continue to do so. I have been thru the Critical Nursing Class but never did get certified.

Admissions Director

Petersburg, TN

About Me


Healthcare & Medical


Admissions Director

Education level:


Will Relocate:



Petersburg, TN
