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Rssim a big time worker :]

ok now im at this page. i fuking hate you all i hope this compny goes no were in life i will burn this dam building down hoes...DOWN!!!!!! i will chain saw your mouthes off then eat them and spit it back out in you all faces!!!THIS IS NOT A THREAT!!!! ITS A MUTHER FUKING....? mhm i said it SHAWANKIA BANG BANG IN THIS BITCH!!! i will chop cut a sweat in yalls mouthes then make you all drink my cats piss...i will make a dog shit in your mouth and then make you eat it like choclate hahahahhahahaha SHE GOT THAT GOOD GOOD SHE MICHEAL JACKSON BAD I AINT ATRACTED TO HER SHE HAS NO ASS IM NOT A MUDER BUT I KILL YA TIME I KNOCK MICE OUT WIFF YOUR BREATH EYES X] LET ME STOP MY WEBSITE IS WWW.PAYMEMYMONEYBACKBITCHES.COM ANDTHOER ONE IS WWW.MAKEAFAKEASS.COM I HOPE YOU ENJOY MAKING A ASS BECUZE HOME GURL PLZ YUH GOT A PANCAKE LIKE GOOOOTDAUYMMMM


Cleveland, OH

About Me


Arts, Entertainment & Gaming



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Cleveland, OH