Experienced, Reliable and Result-oriented Biochemist/Cell and Molecular Biologist Project manager Objective: research position with managerial responsibilities Area Research Interests and Expertise: stem cell, signal transduction, cell reprogramming, pluripotency, iPS, apoptosis, regulation of gene expression, proliferation Degree - master's QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE HIGHLIGHTS • Over 10 years of experience in biomedical research in US, Canada, and Europe • PhD level researcher by education and experience • Highly motivated, independent, enthusiastic, result-oriented person • Work efficiently in fast-paced environment • Team player Previous work and projects highlights • Regulation of proapoptotic and antiapoptotic pathways. Receptor-mediated apoptosis, role of mitochondria. Role of MAP kinases, NF-kB, and initiator and executioner caspases in UV-induced apoptosis in human keratinocytes • Regulation of cell cycle progression and proliferation – regulation of S. cerevisiae G1 cyclins Cln1 and Cln2 degradation • Regulation of differentiation – role of MyoD, PI3-kinase/Akt and IGF signaling modulation • Mechanisms of conversion of cardiac myocytes into proinflammatory phenotype EXPERIENCED IN Cell culture Microscopy – light, immuno- and fluorescent Cell-based assays Protein isolation, purification and analysis Molecular cloning DNA prep, RNA extraction Cell Culture technique: Primary cell isolation and maintenance Transient transfection Stable transfection and creation of cell lines Recombinant adenovirus infection Proficient in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology technique: Western blot analysis, immunocytochemistry, microscopy, immunofluorescent microscopy, thin-layer chromatography, gas chromatography, protein gel electrophoresis, agarose gel eclectrophoresis, cell transfection (electroporation, lipofection), eukaryotic cell culture, bacterial cell culture, cell fractionation, mitochondria isolation, molecular cloning, PCR, DNA, plasmid isolation, enzymatic assays, ELISA, cell migration, Transwell chambers assay, primary endothelial cell isolation, neonatal myocyte isolation, neutrophil isolation, immunoprecipitation, rodent handling and operation References available upon request EDUCATION Oregon Heath Sciences University , Portland, USA Major – Cell and Developmental Biology April 2005 Kiev Taras Shevchenko University , Kiev, Ukraine Major – Biochemistry June 1993 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY HIGHLIGHTS AND MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS Center for Critical Illness Research, Lawson Health Research Institute London , Ontario , Canada International Research Associate Lab Manager Administrative Assistant to the group of senior researchers 2005-2007 • Performed literature analysis and experimental design for the project “Conversion of the cardiac myocytes into proinflammatory phenotype”. Developed necessary new protocols and adjusted existing ones. Performed experiments. Statistically analysed data, actively participated in final data analysis and manusript writing. • Helped with advanced planning of the lab work and new approaches to address experimental questions. Helped Principal Investogator to arrange day-to-day lab activity. Coordinated efforts of the lab members. Participated in junior staff member training • Assisted a big group of senior scientists to manage their group grant • Developed easy and efficient methods for primary endothelial cell isolation from different organs as well as methods for neonatal myocyte isolation. Developed reliable methods to culture primary cells. In collaboration with other team members designed, improved and adjusted the following methods and approaches: PMN isolation and evaluation of neutrophil migration to the site of inflammation, myocyte conversion into pro-inflammatory phenotype, modeling of the vascular-interstitial interface in vitro and accessment of PMN transendothelial migration. • Research focused on: role of cytokines and various signaling pathways contributing to the induction of the cellular proinflammatory phenotype and promoting PMN migration to the site of inflammation. Role of p38 MAP kinase in the conversion of cardiac myocytes into a proinflammatory phenotype. Role of cSrc kinase/p38 MAP kinase/NADPH oxidase regulatory pathway and peroxinitrite derived from eNOS in cardiac myocyte inflammation and PMN migratory response. Role of PECAM-1 in the pathogenesis of hapten-induced colitis. Oregon Heath Sciences University Portland , USA Research Assistant 1999 – 2005 • Planned and designed experiments, performed experimental work under minimal supervision, analysed and presented data. Managed project on UV-induced apoptosis and anti-apoptotic mechanisms in human keratinocytes • Concentrated on investigation of proapoptotic and antiapoptotic pathways governing cellular programmed cell death and survival and mechanisms involved in cellular decision to live or to execute an apoptotic program. • Receptor-mediated apoptosis and mitochondria-initiated apoptosis. Pathways under close investigation – Erk, JNK, p38, initiator and executioner caspases and their regulation, NFkB, reactive oxygen species- and UV-initiated pathways. Ribotoxic stress. Crosstalk between regulatory pathways • Developed treatment to prevent UV-induced apoptosis in human keratinocytes • Revealed unexpected differences in mechanisms governing reactive oxygen species-mediated and UV-induced apoptosis in keratinocytes • Proved that widely used keratinocyte-derived cell line cannot serve as an adequate model to study UV-initiated apoptotic mechanisms. Proved that primary keratinocyte pro- and anti-apoptotic mechanisms significantly differ from those governing model cell line apoptosis and survival Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Science of Ukraine Kiev , Ukraine ResearchTechnician 1993 –1998 • Performed experiments under supervision of the principal investigator and postdocs in the lab • Lipid biochemistry and lipid composition of cellular membrane under different pathologic conditions PUBLICATIONS Vanderwerf S.M, Cooper M.J, Stetsenko I.V, Lutsenko S. Copper specifically regulates intracellular phosphorylation of the Wilson's disease protein, a human copper-transporting ATPase. J Biol. Chem 2001, 276(39): 36289-94 Mozshuhina T.G., Stetsenko I.V., Litoshenko A.J. Age features of chromatin structure in regenerating rat liver, revealed by DNAse I and Ca,Mg-dependent endonucleases - II National Congress of Gerontologists and Geriatricians of Ukraine, Kiev, 1993 (Rus). Rui T., Stetsenko I, Martin C, Kvietys PR Conversion of cardiac myocytes to a proinflammtory phenotype in sepsis: role of p38 MAP kinase. FASEB J. 20 (4): A646 (2006) Kvietys P., Stetsenko I. , Martin C. Rui T. Conversion of cardiac myocytes to proinflammatory phenotype in sepsis: role of c-Src kinase/p38 MAP kinase/NADPH oxidase pathway.(FASEB J, abstract, 2007 Sugimoto N.,Rui T., Stetsenko I., Yoshida N., Kvietys P PECAM-1 modulation of immune cell function may play a role in hapten-induced colitis (trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid; TNBS) FASEB J., abstract, 2007 Rui T., Stetsenko I. , Martin C., Kvietys P. Conversion of cardiac myocytes to proinflammatory phenotype in sepsis: role of peroxynitrite derived from eNOS FASEB J., abstract, 2007

