I am a professional with high quality and experience in which one talks about noninvasive the cardiovascular area. My studies and knowledge in Venezuela and USA guarantee my quality and experience of 7 years in that field. I have discharge capacity and knowledge in the accomplishment and interpretation of Electrocardiograms, EKG Stress Test, as well as in Echocardiography Doppler and Stress Echo and Contrast Echo , thus also with regard to Holter EKG Monitoring and Blood Pressure Monitoring. I hope to have the opportunity to demonstrate the valuable thing that I am like professional in this area and that who give me opportunity to demonstrate it will be not to me defrauded. At the moment I am just certificate by CCI as RCS-Registered Cardiac Sonographer and CCT- Certified Cardiographics Technician. I am willing to work hard. and relocated when it’s being necessary and opportune

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