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RssQualified and Experienced Instructor, Pharmacy Tech. Program.

Extensive teaching experience, via didactic-lectures, multi-media, handouts, laboratory and tutorial classes; utilizing a variety of teaching strategies to accommodate the learning interests of a diverse student enrollment. Having expertise in designing P B L based comprehensive pharmacy–modules, administering & grading quizzes, midterm, and final exams. Contributing to preparing pharmacy- technicians for the Boards and commitment to student academic - success, Significance of Poly – therapy, Patient – profiles, Drug- allergies and inter-actions, Billing, & Insurance - Claims. Importance of Pharmaceutical - Calculations, Dosage – Forms and the Regulatory Agencies. Preparing large volume IV admixtures, under strict aseptic techniques, their labeling & recording data,

Pharmacy Technician

Santa Clara, CA

About Me

Work Experiences

8/2008 - 4/2009

Boston Reed College, Napa Valley, Napa, USA,


  • Role call & marking late-comers as tardy. Didactic-lectures, multi-media, handouts, laboratory classes; repeating areas and answering queries from students within the class. Administering Quiz Modules, Midterm and Final Examination
