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Rssno money is made sitting home

i need help in finding a job i have a felony record back in 2001, no fault of my own i loan my car to my ex.I really need help in finding a job i recently went back to school for a refresher course in dec08 to jan of 09 i need someone to take a chance on me. i never felt so lost.money is not the issue its the experinece that is priceless to me, so please help me i will work for 10 cents a mile just to prove my self

Tractor-trailer Truck Driver

Knightdale, NC

About Me


Transportation & Logistics


Tractor-trailer Truck Driver


im proud of my children for there support. I've won best mom award, i have my certification as an accountant, my cdl class a.

Ideal Companies:


Education level:

High School/GED

Will Relocate:



Knightdale, NC

Work Experiences

2/2008 - 9/2008

red lobster

Entry Level

  • cooking

6/2007 - 2/2008

able body temp service

Entry Level

  • cleanning construction sites

11/2006 - 5/2007

mega force temp services

Entry Level

  • safety inspector for dishwasher units

3/2006 - 9/2006

eugenes trucking

Entry Level

  • company driver/otr

2/2006 - 3/2006

another day trucking

Entry Level

  • company driver/cargo containers

