Occupation:Child Care Worker |
Location:Hope Mills, NC |
Education Level:High School/GED |
Will Relocate:No |
Looking to change career field to something with more repsonsibility and allows me to show more of my personality and abilities.

Columbus Technical College | General Studies | 2005 | Associate Degree |
Mott Community College | General Studies | 2003 | High School/GED Degree |
Lapper County Education Center | Certified Nurses Aide | 2001 | Trade School Degree |
North Branch High | General Education | 1999 | High School/GED Degree |


My two major fields of repsonsibility that I currently carry in my position is that of responsibility and influence. I am a child care provider and am in cahrge of the welfare and safety of the children that are in my care. I am also influencial in their lives die to their young ages and innocence. Due to that I am aware that by playing games, teaching them letters, and jus tspeaking words to them helps to influence them and shapre them for their futures.