Helping make Eugene a safer place to drive. Was in charge of 6 FTES and 6 seasonal employees, was resposible for maintaing over 28,000 roadway signs, 500 lane miles of roadway striping, sign fabrication, guardrail repairs and miantenace, and numerous other fuctions dealing with roadway infrustructures. Resposible for School Zones and safety. Wsa on the safety and diversity committees, Took numerous traingings and short schools dealing with Public works maintenance and leadership roles.
I have a great work history that I'm very proud of.
Companies I like:
City's Countys, States, local gOVERMENT
I was the lead worker / supervisor for the City of Eugene Public Works Maint. Dept. for 26yrs. I was hard working, dedicated, mastered my trade,took training opportunities, joined committees,Good with people and co-workers, had the drive and willingness to succseed