Occupation:Computer Operator |
Location:Colorado Springs, CO |
Education Level:High School/GED |
Will Relocate:No |
many years of customer service perfessional, interpersonal communication and leadership skills, Techncial ability, along with graphic design schooling.

Work Experience
Sunny side employment FDA | (Confidential) | 8/2005 - 2/2006 |
HP Computers | (Confidential) | 6/2002 - 4/2004 |
Actiontec Electronics | (Confidential) | 5/2001 - 6/2002 |
gateway computer | (Confidential) | 4/2000 - 5/2001 |
otlaryngology | (Confidential) | 6/1997 - 2/1999 |

mchnery west campus | general | 1995 | High School/GED Degree |

Companies I like:
open to any companies

Job Skills


File clerk- • Add new material to file records, and create new records as necessary. Modify and improve filing systems, and implement new filing systems. Find and retrieve information from files in response to requests from authorized users. Keep records of materials filed or removed, using logbooks or computers
• Eliminate outdated or unnecessary materials, destroying them or transferring them to inactive storage according to file maintenance guidelines and/or legal requirements.
• Perform periodic inspections of materials and files in order to ensure correct placement, legibility, and proper condition.
• Scan and read incoming materials in order to determine how and where they should be classified or filed.
• Sort or classify information according to guidelines such as content, purpose, user criteria, or chronological, alphabetical, or numerical order. Gather materials to be filed from departments and employees. Perform general office duties such as typing, operating office machines, and sorting mail.
Network administrator
• Functioned as a Tier Level 1, 2 and 3 Network Administrator. Worked with Network Problems and helped clients get ride of viruses, cookies, and Spy ware. Reset Passwords, Set up and deleted new user accounts (Email Accounts, User Names, And Ace Accounts).
• Installed and configured Hardware parts (IDE, SCSI, Peripherals Laptops and Desktop Computers) and Software (Windows 2000, Office 2000, Clarify, Ping Tools, Ace, Safeguard), Logged onto clients computers with PC Anywhere and PC Dual. Helped with HOW TO or problems with Software.