I am a fast learner. I have excellent oral and written communication skills. I love to use the computer. I enjoy using my medical terminology and knowledge. Less patient care, more administrative. I have a medical secretarial background and was a medical transcriptionist prior to becoming a LPN. Would be interested in a position in occupational health, MDS's (willing to learn), or medical case management for an insurance company. Paula Ivanoskos

Mostly worked in a long-term care setting, but have done private duty nursing, and agency nursing. In the past, obtained my Associate Degree in Medical Secretarial, and worked for a number of years as a medical transcriptionist for Boston area physicians out of my home.Companies I like:
Blue Cross/Blue Shield, The Traveler's Ins. Co., In a company as an occupational health nurse., Or a small clinical setting or doctor's office.

Job Skills

