A position utlizing my civil litigation, negotiation, and presentation skills.

Lead trial counsel for surety and contractor in trial involving mechanics lien and indemnity claims. Judgment in favor of surety and contractor on all counts. Trial counsel for subcontractor mechanics lien claim. Judgment in favor of subcontractor. Trial counsel for surety defending against payment bond claim. Judgment in favor of surety. Affirmed on appeal. Trial counsel for surety defending against payment bond claim. Parties settled after testimony, but prior to ruling. Primary counsel in numerous settlement negotiations of complex construction matters involving six figure settlements. Lead counsel in numerous arbitrations and mediations involving contract disputes.
Job Skills

Represent and advise construction contractors and developer clients in all aspects of litigation and transaction matters on both public and priviate projects including: mechanics liens, breach of contract between general and subcontractors and owners, bid protests, injunctions, contract negotiations, default and/or termination, arbitration and business formation.
Represent and advise surety clients in all aspects of litigation and transaction matters including: principal financing, salvage and indemnity, performance, payment subdivision, bid and probate bond claims.
Represent and advise corporate clients in real estate issues, insurance coverage matters and employment issues.