Occupation:Food Service Manager |
Location:Ridge Farm, IL |
Education Level:Trade School |
Will Relocate:YES |
Exceptionally self-motivated Professinal. Steady as the day is long. Strong sense for Leadership work which follows thru w/ team work. Very creative, open to challenges and continuing Education to futher self and Company goals.

I have moved around several places as I am from a military Family. With each move I have accuired the ability to use Diversity in any position of the Resturant Business. I am a "Hands On" person that as a very value that Success starts from the "Top, Down, Not the Bottem Up. Leading thru example is the best Path to Success.
Job Skills


Responcible for overseeing the health and well being of A Personal Care unit. (Dietary) Involved in many on going Operations. Front and Back of House Operations. Specialty in customer service. Hands on Person.