Dr. Craig Savin, DDS, AACD, NDSM, DHHS, DMORT V Dr. Savin graduated from Northwestern University Dental School in 1985. While still in Dental School , Dr. Savin was appointed Human Gross Anatomy instructor, operative, cosmetic and removable prostodontic clinical assistant, and was appointed to honors periodontal surgery. Dr. Savin then became an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology, and Forensic Science at Northwestern Dental School for more then 8 years; during his Assoc. professorship, Dr. Savin was accredited by the Armed Force Institute of Pathology in Forensic Odontology, lectured to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and worked for the Cook County and Wisconsin Coroners office. Dr. Savin comes from a long line of Dentists; His Father and Brother are both Brilliant General Practitioners. Dr. Savin’s accomplishments include: Articles written for Better Homes and Garden, The Scleroderma Society, International Society for Gravitational Physiology. He was honored by the Muscular Dystrophy Society as one of Illinois prestige’s “Who’s Who”, for his contribution to the public in the field of Dentistry. Dr. Savin is also federally appointed by Health and Human Services, Disaster Mortuary Organizational Response team, the National Disaster Medical Service, and a “Founding Member of Homeland Security”. His memberships include the Illinois Dental Society, Chicago Dental Society, The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the International Society for Gravitational Physiology.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 9/1993 - Present |
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 8/1985 - Present |

Northwestern University Dental School | Doctor of Dental Surgery | 1985 | Specialist Degree |

PUBLICATIONS, INVITED PAPERS AND ABSTRACTS “The Anatomy, Behavior, and History of the Pit Bull Terrier”By Dr. Craig Savin, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 1990.“What is Periodontal Disease?”By Dr. Craig Savin, Better Homes and Garden, 1990.Invited Papers and Abstracts:By Dr. Craig Savin, “Dental Emergency and Maintenance Protocol for Long Term Space Travel”: A Scientific Study Initiative, NASA, 2003. “Dental Emergency and Maintenance Protocol for Long Term Space Travel”, By Dr. Craig Savin, International Society For Gravitational Society, Nagoya Japan, 2002.“Oral Health Management and Alternative Techniques for treating patients afflicted with Scleroderma”,” Published for the “Scleroderma Society” (local chapter), 2005. Written Articles about Dr. Craig Savin: “Father and 2 Son’s Practicing Dentistry Together”, North Shore Magazine, 2002. “Dr. Craig Savin: A General Dentist, Forensic Specialist, and Founding Member of Homeland Security”, Chicago Tribune Interview, 2004. LECTURES, AWARDS, AND MEMBERSHIPS:• “Physiology and Human Gross Anatomy Instructor”, Northwestern University Dental School, 1985-1986.• “The Anatomy, Behavior, and History of the Pit Bull Terrier”, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Philadelphia, 1990.• “Dental Emergency and Maintenance Protocol for Long Term Space Travel”, International Society for Gravitational Physiology, NASA, Nagoya, Japan, 2002.• “How Lumineers by Cerinate dramatically improved my Production: A Case Study”, DenMat Corporate Headquarters, Santa Maria, California, 2007.• “Case Presentations: Before and After Smile Makeovers”, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2007.• MEMBERSHIPS: Northwestern University Dental School Alumni Association, International Society For Gravitational Physiology, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, American Dental Society, Chicago Dental Society, Strathmore’s Who’s Who, America’s Top 100 Dentists, Disaster Mortuary Organizational Response team, Dept. Of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, National Disaster Medical Services.• AWARDS: “Outstanding Work and Contribution in the Field of Dentistry”, Muscular Dystrophy Society, Chicago, IL. 1998. (I was one of 6 individuals honored; including the current Illinois Secretary of State, Jessie White).“Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Work and Contribution”, City of Chicago and Cook County: Assistance during;” The 1990 Heat Related Deaths in Chicago” (over 800 Chicago residents died), Chicago, Illinois, 1990.“Founding Member Of Homeland Security”, Authorized and signed by Governor Tom Ridge; former Director of Homeland Security, United States Government, 2004. EXPERIENCE____________________________________________________________________Student, Clinical Instructor, and Associate Professor Northwestern University Dental School: June 1983-1993 • Human Gross Anatomy Instructor: Freshmen Dental Students (As a Sophomore in Dental School through 2 years after graduation).• Operative and Removable Prostodontic Clinical Assistant: (assisting peers in their Clinical Lab Requirements at Northwestern University Dental School).• Honors Periodontal Surgery Clinics: Honors program in Geriatric Dentistry, Northwestern University Dental School.• Associate Professor: Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology, and Forensic Odontology , Northwestern University Dental School.• Clinical Instructor: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Freshman Dental Hygiene Students.• Forensics Consultant: Murders, Home Invasions, Plane Crashes, Human and Dog bite wound analysis (assisting Dr. E. Steven Smith and Dr. Larry Pierce), Northwestern University Dental School, 1984-1997.Continuing Education Course Instructor: “Bite Mark Analysis on Human Tissue”, Assistant Instructor, Northwestern University Dental School.FORENSIC ODONTOLOGIST FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 1997 TO PRESENT • Cook County Mass Disaster Identification Team, Chicago, IL. 1986-1999. • Commuter Plane Crash: Janesville, Wisconsin: Identified passengers through comparative analysis of Ante and Post Mortem Dental Records and radiographs, Forensic Odontology Department at Northwestern University Dental School (3 including myself), State of Wisconsin Coroner’s Department, and the FBI, 1988• Wisconsin Mass Disaster Identification Team, State of Wisconsin, 1989.Deployed by FEMA: 2 weeks (13 hours per day) of Government Service; Decontamination, Data Entry, Radiographic Interpretation from Full Body Radiographs, and Ante/Post Mortem Comparison Analysis for Positive Dental Identification of Victims from Hurricane Katrina; creating a DATA BASE utilizing the “DEXIS” software system in order to compare ante/post mortem information (using my experience in superimposition, and anatomical landmark comparisons). Even though there is a sense of loss which affected everyone deployed, helping the families with closure is rewarding. Very few professionals have the chance or ability to perform such tasks, 2005.• “Mass Disaster Simulation”: “The Simulation of an Earthquake Disaster taking place near the Madrid Fault” (which is located in southern Illinois), Department of Health of Human Services, Danville, Indiana, 2007. PRACTICE MANAGEMENT AND CLINICAL EXPERIENVE:• Managing partner in a large Chicago North Shore Dental Practice. Along with my brother, Dr. Robert Savin, we employ over 20 Staff members: 3 Associates, 6 Hygienists, 5 Assistants, 4 Receptionists, 2 Orthodontists and their employee’s. Responsibilities include: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Supply Inventory, Hygiene Staff Management, and Patient Management.• Highly skilled in all Clinical Aspects facets of Dentistry: Cosmetic, Oral surgery, Periodontics, Operative, Pediatric, Geriatric, Implantology, and treatment planning and executing “Full Mouth Reconstruction”, and “Smile Makeovers” for over 20 years.• Trekked to Mount Everest achieving my goal of around 20,000 Ft.• I enjoy writing and inventing to help on a global Scale • Mission Specialist Candidate, NASA, 2001-2005Companies I like:
No specific Company

Job Skills
