For the past two decades, I exercised expertise, leadership, training, and motivation required to carry out successfully the direction of research projects and training programs. As a medical practitioner (Medical Attendant, Teaching Hospital, French Guyana), I devoted my carrier to direct medical research units, to partner with local and international research institutions, as well as to efficaciously apply for grants to conduct research and training (e.g. USG, WHO, European Commission. My research focus on emerging and zoonotic diseases while the subjects concentrate on understanding the emergence and spread, developing preparedness and control, strategizing the response with a One Health approach. My main fields of research and expertise encompass eco-epidemiology, biosurveillance, outbreak response, vaccine and therapy. Appointed at Georgetown University my work extensively concentrates public health policies and global health, perpetuating my engagement on One Health approach. I successfully carried out multiple research projects on high consequence pathogens and published more than 300 manuscript in peer reviewed journal, and 30 books and book-chapters (peer reviewed published articles available at the NCBI My Bibliography). Positions and Employment 2018-to date. Adjunct Professor of Medicine: Course Director, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Georgetown University. Washington DC. 2017 - todate. Senior Scientist: Chief Operating Officer. Centaurus Biotech LLC. (Medical Counter Measures) 2017 - 2019 Deputy Director: Kansas State University, DHS Emeritus Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases, Kansas 2015 - 2016 Senior Scientist: Outbreak response and Global Health, Metabiota Inc., San Francisco CA, Washington DC, USA 2013 - 2014 Senior Advisor, Emerging Diseases Eco-epidemiology, French Embassy, Washington DC, USA 2008 - 2012 General Director, International Center for Medical Research, Franceville, Republic of Gabon 2000 - 2007 Director, International Research Unit on Vectors and Vector Borne Disease. Faculty of Sciences, Mahidol University, Thailand 1991 - 1999 Deputy Director: International Research Unit, Emerging Viral Diseases Center for Vaccine Development, Mahidol University, Thailand 1987 - 1990 Department Head: Arbovirology and Experimental Virology Department, Pasteur Institute, Dakar, Senegal 1979 - 1986 Laboratory Chief: Arbovirus & Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers, Pasteur Institute, Bangui, CAR 1978 - 1979 Research Unit Head: Emerging Arbovirus Unit, Trousseau Teaching Hospital, Paris France 1976 - 1977 Medical Attendant: Saint Laurent du Maroni Teaching Hospital, French Guiana 1974 - 1975 Assistant Professor: Fundamental sciences of Zoology, Parasitology & Hematology, School of Medicine, Bordeaux Univ. 1972 - 1973 Resident: Radiotherapy gamma. St John Teaching Hospital, Bordeaux University, France 1971 - 1972 Intern: Internship on Oncology (Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy). St John Teaching Hospital, Bordeaux University, France Research Research Support Ongoing 2019 - 2020 (PI) Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic fever in Pakistan. Biosurveillance and point of care diagnostic. (CTR-DOS program) CRDF funded ($350k) 2017 - 2021. (Senior advisor for ethics scientific board member) European Commission (Advisory Board). PANDORA. The immunology of Arbovirus encephalitis in the inter-Tropical zone [grant agreement # EC675671] (Tuberculosis in Senegal / High Consequence Pathogen in Congo Republic), EC Funded 2017 - 2022 (Senior advisor) Immunology and arbovirus "Pandora" project [Senior Advisor]. European commission, EC. A European Commission (Horizon): Human Immune pattern/response" EC Funded 2015 - 2018 (Technical advisor) VSV-Ebola virus recombinant vaccine trial in animal (mice, sheep, pigs and horses). Merks S&D project / CEEZAD-KSU. (DTRA funded). 2015 - 2018. European Commission Horizon 2020. (co-PI) "IF-Ebola" Early detection for an early treatment of Ebola Virus Fever. Virus Detection and anti-Ebolavirus Fab polyclonal Antibody Treatment Completed (after 2011 - 2015 PI, co-PI) - 2016 High consequence pathogens (Uganda) [DTRA/Academic Engagement Program 2015 - 2018 European commission "HORIZON 2020", EC "IF-EBOla". [WP Director] Ebola Therapy. 2014 - 2016 African Swine Fever capacity building (Ukraine) [DTRA/AEP] 2014 - 2016 DTRA/CBEP-Black & Veatch [Senior Advisor]. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (Ukraine) 2014 - 2015 Ebola fever outbreak response, laboratory support (Sierra Leone) [USAMRIID/CBEP] 2013 - 2016 DTRA/CBEP "Viral hemorrhagic Fevers of Unknown Origin" [co-PI] - (Gabon) 2013 - 2016 Filoviruses Biodiversity of African Tropical Rainforests [#CBEP HDTRA1-12-C-0024a] 2013 - 2016 Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers of Unknown Origin (Gabon) [#CBEP / HDTRA 1-12-C-0024 2013 - 2016 Lassa fever epidemiology (Sierra Leone) [#DTRA/CBEP / HDTRA1-09-14-FRCWMD] 2012 - 2016 Lassa fever immunology (Sierra Leone) French National Agency for Research 2011 - 2012. DTRA/CBEP. Detection & surveillance of Viral Hemorrhagic fevers, West Africa [PI]


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