COVER LETTER: Dear Mrs. McMaster: The processing of your charge of employment discrimination in the above referenced matter has been completed. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is dismissing your charge and is issuing to you a Notice of Right to Sue. The evidence obtained by the Commission indicates that there is insufficient evidence to establish a violation under the statute (s). In view of these facts, it is unlikely that further investigation of your charge will result in a finding that a violation of the law (s) under which you filed your charge has occurred. For that reason, we have dismissed your charge and closed your file. Enclosed you will find a Dismissal Notice of Right to Sue and an Information Sheet which describes your right to pursue the matter in court by filing a lawsuit within 90 days of your receipt of the dismissal notice. This 90-day period for filing a private lawsuit cannot be waived, extended or restored by EEOC. I regret that we cannot be of further assistance to you in this matter. Sincerely, C. Austin Harris