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Wendy K

Educational Administrator - 23 Years of Experience - Near 78681


Educational Administrator


Round Rock, TX

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



and Culture: * Work with District Leadership, Elementary Principals, Resource teachers, Hourly teachers, Impact teachers and classroom teachers to collaboratively SUPPORT meaningful united site instructional goals based on multiple measures of assessment data (as determined by the site leaders). * MTSS (District Level): Lead, develop and implement the district-wide system for VUSD, which is planned to take at least one year of team collaboration to design and align to the already existing district blueprint. * MTSS SUMS Grant: Continue to lead the grant with four school sites in 2018-19. Will collaborate with district leadership to develop a potential "badge" system for the grant schools to earn as they complete steps toward MTSS recognition. Currently collaborating with the Orange County Office of Education with this process. * The WHEEL: Support the implementation of the Elementary Professional Development Collaboration Wheel to allow site administrators and classroom teachers time to review data, plan instruction, develop a Personal Learning engine, and meet the individual needs of students in their class. * Design, plan, and share the "Curriculum and Instruction Professional Development menu of options" (sessions) that a site leader can choose from to support their site instructional goals as it pertains to their SPSA. * Site visits to provide timely feedback with site administrators and support individual site needs. Instructional Leadership: * Through professional development opportunities support implementation of: o SchoolPace o American Reading Company Independent Reading system o Common Core Text type writing in grades TK-5 o Small Group Reading Instruction o Phonics instruction for at risk readers at the Secondary level o IRLA/Non-ARC (BAS) school ELA trimester progress monitoring data collected * Support the creation and implementation of: o Performance Framework o P-3 Focus Group and Think Tank o UCSD EdNeuro (LiSN instrument) o Dual Immersion program at Grapevine Elementary * Curriculum


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