Over thirty years experience in the development, application, and evaluation of technical and economic software using MS Visual C++ with Microsoft Foundation Classes and standard template library. Languages include native C, C++, C#, and some Visual Basic. Experienced in C++ access to MS Access and Oracle databases. Experienced in Rough River Stingray spreadsheet and graphics software. Contract Software Development (1993 - Present) * ExxonMobil Engineering software. Maintained several applications in C# and C++ with MFC. * ExxonMobil Empower User Interface: This is a large application with over 15 million lines of code, for entering data and displaying results for the ExxonMobil reservoir simulator. The language is native C, C++, and C# with a managed bridge between the native code and the .net code. The relational database is Versant. Extensive use is made of Rough River Stingray for spreadsheet data entry and graphical display of results. MS Visual C++ and C# are used as a development environment with version control under TFS. * Exxon Mobil ToolPro: ToolPro is a large production engineering application with multiple tasks using engineering data and physical property catalogs stored in MS Access databases. This application was coded in the MS Visual C++ environment. * Fugro-McClelland: Developed proprietary software for the storage, evaluation, and display of soil mechanics tests. The graphics display is custom coded using MFC. The data is stored in a MS Access database with an ODBC interface. * Texas Instruments: Worked on a debugger provide to developer of applications using Texas Instrument s Digital Signal processors. The application was written in MS Visual C++ interfacing with TI proprietary software and hardware communication in real time with the TI DSPs. * Chevron: Worked on SecopWin an oil well drilling mud equipment analysis application. The project started with existing Fortran code and an inadequate DOS GUI. The final product was in MS Visual C++ with MFC.


Job Skills
