Senior Programmer/ Systems Analyst, IBM AS400, ISeries platform, COBOL (All versions), RPG (all versions), DB2/SQL expert, CL expert. Consummate problem solver with highly creative mindset geared toward providing the optimum solution on time and under budget. Utility Billing and meter reading expert. Extensive AS400 system administrator experience. HELMUT Siegfried Bother * System Designer * 460 South Lime Avenue Sarasota Florida 34237 941-321-1910 HELMUT Siegfried Bother * System Designer * 460 South Lime Avenue Sarasota Florida 34237 941-321-1910 MAJOR PROJECTS Performed approximately 100 client conversions. * Added Meter Reading evaluation system using a subfile to showing reading errors of uploaded meter readings which allowed users to select accounts for rereading (COBOL). * Developed Meter Exchange tracking system for client during phase out of manually read meters with an AMI type automated reading system (COBOL). * Interfaced various handheld meter reading systems including Itron MVRS, Sensus Autoread and RADIX to the AVATAR billing system for reading uploads and automated posting of readings (COBOL). * Developed and interfaced 12 different client websites to the AVATAR customer information database using AdventureTech Isafari, Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop (HTML, CSS, PHP, RPG IV). * Interfaced AFP bill printing using IBM Infoprint server to facilitate the transmission of daily bill printing run is to a third-party bill processing service. * Developed a subfile based service order system for the AVATAR billing system (COBOL). * Developed a subfile based Quality Assurance system for the AVATAR billing system (COBOL). * Developed system to allow alert messages to be activated on client's web site such as boil water alerts from the AS400 (COBOL). * Developed a WIFI tablet-based meter reading collection system (COBOL). * Developed a subfile based customer service user notes tracking system (COBOL). * Developed a subfile based Backflow Device Prevention installation and maintenance tracking system (COBOL). * Developed a complete HTML and PDF based documentation system of the AVATAR billing system (MS Visio). * Developed printed and audio/video training materials for hand held meter reading system users and meter readers. * Installed IT infrastructure at remote client sites in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Hawaii and Louisiana. * Trained meter readers at all sites with meter reading operations tied to the AVATAR system. * Reinstalled OS in failed LPAR in role as system administrator.

