Research scientist with proven track record of strong functional leadership, project management, and ability to coach and mentor peers. I have been a professor designing a research program, determining budgets and financial priorities, mentoring students, publishing papers, writing successfully-funded grants, presenting talks and lecturing classes (to medical students, genetics and biochemistry graduate students, undergraduates). I have written compliance documents, grant applications, progress reports, INDs, journal and funnding agency reviews. I have consulted for other researchers, providing expertise as 1. the designer of CRISPR transgenic animal models, as 2. co-designer of a single-mouse method of high-throughput monoclonal antibody production, involving cell sorting, live immunocytochemistry and cell culture studies and 3. evaluating pathology in rare diseases (using and managing, histology, immunostaining, electron microscopy, biochemistry and imaging). I have a record of identifying/validating drug candidates as an independent researcher. I am the single inventor of a patented, high-throughput drug discovery system using automated imaging and robotics in whole organisms. I have written the standard reference for the single-cell composition of the embryonic CNS of Drosophila melanogaster. I have designed and compiled databases for broad public use. I am a seasoned manager (dealing with complex personnel issues) and administrator, organizing conferences, meetings, solving any and all types of problems expeditiously. Core Accomplishments * Developed a laboratory at the University of Utah that developed invertebrate models of age-related neurodegeneration, ultimately patenting a high throughput method of drug discovery that relies on robotic imaging and image analysis, and utilizes live embryos. * Taught students and inspired them. Wo teachinng awards every year. * Provided expertise as a consultant, providing 1.) genetic and molecular biology expertise in using powerful new gene-altering techniques (CRISPR) to generate site-directed mutants, 2.) provided pathology and imaging expertise, identifying previously unknown defects/pathologies that were obscured by more acute symptoms (critical in gene therapies), 3.) adapted use of new techniques to methods under development for novel technologies (e.g., surface plasmon resonance as a diagnostic screen for monoclonal antibody specificity and binding affinity). * Created a 30,000 image searchable database, using image analysis software and algorithms that provide rapid ability to query and evaluate query results. Created and launched interactive websites. * Developed a laboratory at the University of Utah that developed invertebrate models of age-related neurodegeneration, ultimately patenting a high throughput method of drug discovery that relies on robotic imaging and image analysis, and utilizes live embryos. * Taught students and inspired them. Wo teachinng awards every year. * Provided expertise as a consultant, providing 1.) genetic and molecular biology expertise in using powerful new gene-altering techniques (CRISPR) to generate site-directed mutants, 2.) provided pathology and imaging expertise, identifying previously unknown defects/pathologies that were obscured by more acute symptoms (critical in gene therapies), 3.) adapted use of new techniques to methods under development for novel technologies (e.g., surface plasmon resonance as a diagnostic screen for monoclonal antibody specificity and binding affinity). * Created a 30,000 image searchable database, using image analysis software and algorithms that provide rapid ability to query and evaluate query results. Created and launched interactive websites.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | Lecturer | 1/2019 - Present |
Northeastern University | Grant Writer | 1/2018 - 1/2019 |
Massachusetts General Hospital | Genomic Medicine Research Consultant And Writer | 1/2017 - 1/2018 |
Ctni | Assistant Director Of Operations / Grant Writer | 1/2014 - 1/2015 |

