To work and develop skill in aircraft maintenance industry and contribute to organisation success and personal development. To achieve a remarkable goal in aviation industry by putting all my technical knowledge experience and hardworking attitude towards progresive output. AVIATION EXPERIENCE Completed Aircraft Maintenance Engineering course from Institute of Aeronautics and Engineering, Bhopal period from (July 2015 Dec 2017 BOEING-AIESL ACCELERATED AME APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM (20 AUGUST 2018 - present) Recieved theoretical classroom training on Boeing courseware, a software specially designed by Boeing international to provide basic training on various aircraft systems. Undergone practical classroom training on NIDA130ST trainer for understanding various operation of aircraft system and gained experience on functioning of Functional Generator, Oscilloscope&Digital multimeter. Recieved familiarization training on P&W 4056 Engine fitted in B-747-400 in MTO AIESL, Mumbai. Recieved smart class training on Safety management system, fuel tank safety and Human factor. Worked in the various overhauling shops in AIESL Like Engine O/H, Component O/H, Electronics O/H, Accessory O/H, Landing gear and wheel O/H, Instrument O/H Divisions. Performed tasks associated with accelerated AME Category-A1 aircraft practical training on B- 747-400. Currently working on the Boeing 747-400 aircraft base maintenance tasks as per task card provided by Boeing. Also performed Base maintenance task on Boeing 777-200LR, 777-300ER, 787-8.


Job Skills
