Solutions-focused, AV-rated attorney with proven success in adtninistrative law and workers' corlpensation. Solid experiellce as an Adrninistrative Law Judge, acquiring superior ability to adiudicate cases. Working knowledge of oil and gas leasing and exploration practices, procedures and terurinology. Calm derneanor in the face of difficulties ability to nanage nultiple projects while working under pressure in I-ast-paced environments. Flighly versatile adept at quickly mastering new roles aud responsibilities. Reputation for integrity, perseverallce, and work ethic. Continuously pursues opportunities to leatn and takes on challenges for further professional development and growth. COITE COMPETBNCIBS Litigation Managernent Workers' Compensation Adrninistrative Law Employrrent and Labor Law Advocacy Strategic Planning Decision-Making Infonnation Gathering Bliel.s Presentations Oral and Written Cornrnunications Reiationship Building Collaborative Teamwork Proactive Problem Solving Client Relations OIL AND GAS AND LANDMAN EXPERIENCE While pursuing a primary career as a litigator over the past 30 years representing Employers and their insurance carriers, oil and gas and landman experience was also procured through active participation in oil and gas ventures in various capacities. This experience includes the following : (1) Two years performing abstracts and title work in flancock County, Mississippi (2) Buying and selling mineral acres in Mississippi and Alabama (3) Participation in drilling ventures as a working interest investor and also as a royalty interest owner (4) Assist in the organization and operation of several shallow oil and gas exploration projects in Brown and Goliad Counties in Texas. RUSSELL, RONALD Page 2 PROFBSSIONAL EXPBRIENCE Copeland, Cook, Taylor and Bush I11996 - Present Gulfport, Mississippi 40 hrs/week Supervisor: N/A Salary: $50,000-$ I I 0,000/y Contact rne first before contactir.rg this ernployer Trial Attorney Contribute strategic planning and organization skills in proficiently steering case projects from initiation and discovery through court tlial, with an errphasis on workers' compensation claims. Apply strotrg case management and negotiation abilities in evaluating cases, designing litigation strategies, and resolving cases through settlernent, rnediation, arbitratiou, and trials. Exhibit investigative and analytical skills in performing in-depth legal research and sophisticated analysis of various cornplex rnotions and responses. Attend motion hearings before administrative judges, further illustrating exceptionai cornrnunication and litigation skills. Dernonstrate exceptional litigation and analyical abilities in successfully preparing for and trying cases on the rnerits before administrative ludges on a broad range of different issues. Consistentiy rnaintaiu an active caseload successfully closed 1 02 cases in 2003 68 cases h 2004, and 1 09 cases in 2001 . Two cases in the last couple of years were appealed all the way to the State Supleme Court, and both resulted in favorable rulings and claim disrnissals. In the last several years, served as a tnediator on at least 10 different cases, applying exceptional problern solving and counseling skills. Franke, Rainey and Sallourn tI t9B7 -1 11996 Gulfport, Mississippi 60 hrs/week Supervisot': Paul Franke, 228 -8 68 -1 01 0 Salary: $120,000/yr You may contact this employer Trial Attorney / Partner Independently handled and successfully resolved a broad range of Mississippi Workers' Courpensatiort cases in various stages of litigation. Proactively rnoved cases through trial, including conducting hundreds of depositions in rnass tort involving healing loss, organic brain syndrotne, and hand anl vibration sl, ndrome. Perforrned all stages of trial work on rnatters involving Traur.uatic Injury Clainis before State and Federal ALJ's. Conducted detailed and cornprehensive legal research and utilized findings to draft trial brjefs and petitions for submission to the ALJs. Due to exceptional perforrnance and dedication, personally appointed by the head ofthe legal deparhnent ofa government contractor, Ingalls Shipbuilding, lnc., to take the lead in several tnass tort claims that had been filed by several thousand claimants. Successfully defended the client and achieved victories in the first two claims, saving the company approxinately $10 rlillion. Additional Experi en c e'. RUSSELL, RONALD Page 3 Trial Attorney - Aultrnan, Tytter, McNeese, Weathers and Ruffin Managed nllurerous Mississippi Workers' Conpensation Cases, frotn discovery and brief writing to olal arguu) ents and appeals. Administrative Judge - Mississippi Workers Compensation Conmissiou Successfully held fonlal Workcrs' Compcnsation hearings iu various Mississippi courthouses. Applied relationship building skills to develop and maintain stl'ong professional relationships with both plaintiff and defense counsel. Scheduled approximately 3 hearings per day and held at least 5 cases per week. Field Attorney - National Labor Relations Boald Seryed as a Hearing Officer over hearings to detennine the appropriate collective bargaining unit for labor elections, and investigated and prosecuted unfair labor practice cases.

