Innovative and motivated Scientist with considerable experience in Research and Development, product development and product support in the field of Protein chemistry, Immunology and Pharmacology * Instrumental in developing optimization procedures for a variety of analytes resulting in improved precision and sensitivity and saving thousands of dollars in labor and reagent cost. * Successfully developed a point of care product POC to detect high risk pregnancy patients for preterm delivery. Product is commercialized successfully all over the world. * Responsible for the development of rapid tests for over the counter OTC products related to women's healthcare. * Major academic achievements include development of male contraceptive vaccine currently undergoing clinical trials in USA. * Successfully identified a 86 kd Sperm Specific Antigen as a contraceptive Vaccine. * Established Serotonin and Calcitonin tissue levels as additional markers to PSA to differentiate between benign and malignant prostate. * Submitted two joint grant proposals to NIH entitled neuroendocrine growth factors in BPH and biochemical characterization of neuroendocrine cells in prostate cancer.
Work Experience
Innosense Llc | Deputy Director | 8/2017 - 8/2017 |