Experienced, practical and realistic team leader with a natural talent for knowing the way a business should operate most effectively. Focused, systematic manager who gathers all the facts, then quickly gets to the core of the situation and organizes process, product, and people so that objectives are reached efficiently and in a timely manner. Data analysis expertise to create trend charts, key performance indicators and other business intelligence reports. Have worked within IT and also worked with IT when in other positions. Detail-and results-oriented, diversified experience, encompassing such skills as: * Operations Management * Purchasing * Distribution/Warehousing Management * Setting/Achieving Goals * Directing/Motivating Others * Researching/Analyzing/Systematizing * Team Player/Leader * Communications * MRP (Material Requirements Planning) * Materials Management * Inventory Controls * Bill of Materials Analysis * Shipping and Receiving * Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) * Customer Service * Sales/Demand Forecasting * Data Analysis and Data Cleansing * Key Performance Indicators (KPI) * QRQC (Quick Response Quality Control)