Occupation:Water Treatment Plant Operator |
Location:Los Angeles, CA |
Education Level:Trade School |
Will Relocate:YES |
To unite with an or ganization that can utilize my vast skills and help me br oaden my knowledge in the field. It is also impor tant for me to work for an or ganization that has advanceme nt oppor tunities to r ise and gr ow with the company. Expe rie nce OPERATIONS MANAGER & SAFETYMANAGER GEO-ENVIRONMENTALTECHNOLOGIES SAN PEDRO, CA 20 08 - PRESENT * Monitor waste water pr ocess, test chemicals, wr ite r epor t, star t and stop shutdown pr ocess, r epair pumps, oper ate for klifts. ENVIRONMENTALTECHNICIAN GROUNDWATER &ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES MONVROVIA, CA 2008 * Ser vice ARCO gas stations ther mal oxidizer s, ser vice wells, install units, wr ite r epor ts.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | Operations Coordinator And Safety Manager | 6/2008 - Present |
Groundwater Environmental Svcs | Remediation Technician | 10/2007 - 5/2008 |
Jacob, Hefner & Associates | Senior Environmental Technician | 11/2006 - 8/2007 |
Aerotek Environment & Equipment | Water/Waste Water Technician | 1/2006 - 11/2006 |
Alcoa Aerospace Fastening Systems | Industrial Wastewater Plant Operator | 3/2004 - 1/2006 |
Chino Wastewater Plant | Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Supervisor/Maintenance | 2/1997 - 2/2004 |


Job Skills
