


Production Supervisor - 13 Years of Experience - Near 38053


Production Supervisor


Millington, TN

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



Quality Engineer/Supervisor with 13+ years in the medical manufacturing industry and 7+ years of leadership experience. Seeking a leadership role in a stable company with room to grow, both professionally and personally. EXPER IENCE & DUT IES Q UAL I TY L E AD / SU PERV IS O R, W RIG HT M ED ICAL A RL IN GTON TN - 2017PR ESE NT * Responsible for all incoming instruments, implants and materials * Responsible for all data and inspections of multi-million dollar orders * Created a more lean process to increase production of Receiving Inspection by 50% * Responsible for purchasing all new equipment for Receiving Inspection and Metrology * Assisted in all Supplier Quality issues by working with outside and internal suppliers, both local & international * Responsible for all N.C.E.s and served on the MRB Board * Responsible for training Quality Inspectors and Technicians on all processes an inspections * Responsible for all LAL Testing on implants * Assisted in Internal, FDA and ISO audits * Worked alongside Quality Engineering and Purchasing daily * Quality Supervisor of 13 employees in Quality Inspection & Metrology Q UAL I TY E NG I NE E R/ SU PERVIS OR, D UN AN PR ECISION M EM PHIS, TN - 201 5-2 017 * Responsible for all Gage R&R's and creating processes/PIMs for all parts manufactured * Created all Quality Inspection forms * Gathering and charting SPC Data * Continuous Improvement * Responsible for all ASTM testing and process validations * In charge of performing Gap Analysis and ordering of all measuring instrumentation * Assisted in ISO 9001 Certi?cation * Responsible for training Quality team on all processes and inspections * Reduced production and inspection times by creating a more lean process * Responsible for handling of all outside suppliers/vendors located in the U.S. * Supervisor over a team of 5 Quality Technicians and Inspectors Q UAL I TY T ECH NI C IA N/L EA D, ELIT E M ED ICAL B ARTL ETT, TN - 2011 - 2015 * Responsible for all Incoming Materials * Responsible for all In-Process & Final Inspections * Responsible for all Micro-Vu programming and ?xtures * Assisted in creating and updating all Quality check sheets * Assisted in Assembly and Laser-Marking * Quality lead of 4 team members * Improved Quality Process to reduce lead times by 40% * Assisted in all prototype processes and print veri?cations CN C M ACHI NI ST, T U RN ER M ACHIN E, SM YRN A, T N - 2010 - 2011 * Responsible for all incoming material * Responsible for programming and running CNC Mills & CNC Lathes * Assisted in the creation of a Quality Department & Processes * Assisted in manufacturing processes for all new incoming jobs EDUCATI ON DYERSBURG STATE CO MM U NI TY COLLEGE - PRE SE N T * Business Administration BARTLETT H IG H SCH O OL - 2005 * Computer Architecture 1&2 * Metals 1,2 & 3





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