if 3 ' gs' My objective is to obtain long-term erttploynient with safety as my first priority. I am a hard-ujorlritlg, entry level Process Operator. I will utilize myexperience I have acquired inthe reinery along t'-:ith the safety lrnovrledge, »= p _ ¢' 3- leadership sirtlls, and work as a proficient team player. Excel within denianding and changing envirotuitertts ultere gg, i leadership sltiils are the keys to success. if' ~, _ -' ' woarr EXPERIENCE SECURITAS CRiTlC.£\i INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES, INC., PORT ARTHUR TX Sectarfu' Spacfnffrt _, Eos 2009 - Present » Create or implement security standards, policies, and procedures. v Plan, direct, or coordinate security activities to safeguard contpaoy assets, eiuplojrees, guests, or others on company property. f Supervise subordinate security professionals, performing activities such as hiring, training, assigning trorlr, f eraluatiitg performance, or disciplining. ' 0 3 J Q tg » Anaiyze and et-'aluate security operations to identify risks or opportunities for intproretttent. F pq ° Collect and analyze security data to determine security needs, security program goais, or program accomplisltnients. } E ._ W ' Communicate security status, updates, and actual or potential problems, using established protocols. s * Monitor security policies, programs or procedures to ensure compliance with iaternal security policies, licensing requirements, or applicable governrzient security requirements, policies, and directives. f Identify, ii1\'estigat.e, or resoive sec=.1rit : breaches. 1 Assist in emergency management and contingency planning. » Attend meetings, professional seoftinars, or conferences to keep abreast of changes in e:~ ecuti\'e legislative directives or new technologies impacting security operations. f Plan security for special and l1igl1»risl: events. Q9 Q Conduct phjrsicai examinations of property to ensure compliance witit security policies anal regulations. \ l\f€./IIRK STILES * 3 (I`l`, BEAUMONT, TX Correctional QFf»'"icot' .Ion 2967 - stint' 2609 _ .__ 'K N » Conduct head counts to ensure that each prisoner is present. L ~~, ~».a.a »~' ' Moriitor conduct of prisoners in housing unit, or during trorlt or recreational activities, according to established policies, regulations, and procedures, to prevent escape or violence. ° Use vteaporis, handcuffs, and pltjrsical force to maintain discipline and order among prisoners. ° Search prisoners and vehicles and conduct shalredowns of cells for valuahies and contraband, such as weapons or drugs. I L' QWU TU ° Conduct tire, safety, and sanitation inspections. ° Participate in required job training.


Job Skills
