Summary Strong communication and interpersonal skills effective interviewing and assessment skills case management and discharge planning skills Out-patient and aftercare for chemical dependency clients experience in crisis negotiation and knowledge of 12 Step philosophies. FIC Coordinator * 311th Harris County Family Intervention/Infant & Toddler Court (FIC) * December 2010 - January 2018 * Coordinate a family dependency drug court with a multidisciplinary team of 35 providing the structure and administration of the program as well as clinical diagnostics brief intervention and brief therapy referrals. Daily interaction with Harris County CPS regarding abuse and/or neglect Harris County Domestic Relations Office and Texas Attorney General Agencies for non-custodial parents in contempt of court-ordered child support. Work closely with the judges attorneys Child Advocates CPS caseworkers and supervisors and other Success through Addiction Recovery (STAR) Partnership relationships. * Assess clients for a level of care and make appropriate referrals to Intensive Inpatient Treatment /Supportive Residential Intensive Outpatient/Supportive Outpatient Treatment. * Develop a full range of continuing care services for participants including but not limited to Aftercare Mentoring program Visit Coaching Life Skills Coach Family therapy/ Individual therapy and Alumni associations and make appropriate referral to educational groups for chemical dependency clients with Harris County CPS and Harris County Domestic Office and Texas Attorney General Agency. * Generate and maintain STAR Partnership relationships with community resources needed to facilitate participant needs and also the needs of children for developmental delays as a result of substance abuse. Provides 24-hour emergency contact for each participant and treatment provider regarding participant change in status notifying judges and attorneys.

