Qualifications * I am very familiar with the EPIC systems that were put in place a few years back as well as going back as far as paper charting and all the different technology systems placed in between. * I started the Porter Cardiac electrophysiology program from scratch: sitting with the architects, building CDM's, hiring staff, ordering equipment and supplies - from every syringe to the carpet and paint. I was involved in research studies and documented/coordinated information for the Medicare ICD registry. I educated each staff member: scrub, circulate, and sedate/monitor patients, and assisted in the creation of the EP Clinic, 6 months after the lab was started. * Hands-on manager: scrub/circulate/monitor cases, shared call, and maintained a presence in the clinic. * Built strong relationships with medical records, case management and billing to ensure that procedures were billed correctly (insurance pre-certification - out-patient, in-patient). * Financial budgeting. * Negotiated vendor pricing. * Worked effectively (liaison) with the physicians to gain full referral base support. * Proficient in device programmers, stimulators, ablation systems, and GE Cardio Lab computer system.