
Julie W

Not Listed - 16 Years of Experience


Not Listed


Elkhorn, WI

Education Level:

High School/GED

Will Relocate:



25 years of healthcare experience with a proven track record of accomplishment. I pride myself on my professionalism, dependability and ability to work well with my peers, subordinates and superiors while being a team player. I am anxious for the opportunity to expand my horizons by applying my experience in the healthcare field and adapting it to any field in which I am offered the opportunity of employment. SYSTEM Microsoft Office, Excel, Word and Outlook KNOWLEDGE MMS (materials management system) SAP Oracle EMPTOYMENT 1992-2AL7 CVS/CAREMARK CORPORATE Norrhbrook, tL Senior lnventory Planner (S/9 /A3-ghL/ t7l . Train new employees . Support new client implementation . Achieve projected service/inventory levels . Adjust inventory forecasting as needed . Handle new generic product launches o Provide weekly, monthly seruice level reports . Provide reports to support closing of pharmacies . Support new inventory system implementations . Update system for coverage through year end . Provide weekly days on hand reports for problem vendors lnventory Planner (5 121,1 A1-5/8/A3l . Maintain and update backorder list weekly . Maintain coverage on the substitution of backorders . Achieve inventory turns and service level targets . Create orders for DAW items not carried and send EDI Junior Buyer (zl ZtlOa-s I zolat . . . . Deal buys Allocation buys Buys dependent upon percentage ofsavings Find product to cover backorders CAREMARK PHARMACY Lincolnshire, lL or Managed Plan Technician (9 / 6 / 97 -2 I 20 / OAI Managed PIan Technician (L2/28/96-915/92) Translation Technician (3/Lt/94-tZ/27/96t Filling Technician (1216/93-31fi/94], Senior Shipper {7 /27193-L2/Sl93l Sen i shipper (7 /27 /92-z /zo/e3l





CollapseJob Skills


