Occupation:District Manager |
Location:Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Education Level:Some College Units Completed |
Will Relocate:YES |
SUMMARY Awgfgwinning retail sales and customer service expert, Consistently meets Comrrlission -, based 50, e5QO0I5_Pl'Of€SSlOt1QlwhO excels in fastpaced. deadline-driven environments. Clrerrf-rociseft with broad knowledQe ol line and desiQ0€' l@W€'lVY~ 2-51/GOISII1 Ut35CC1, 9f€'iOllODDCJf'3l.5l" Oe, cosisrner. and jewelry sales. ACCOMPLISHMENTS EXPERIENCE 01/1996 to 06/1998 Ort/I 998 to 06/2000 06/2000 to 06/2003 06/2003 to O7/2004 07/2004 to 09/2015 10/201510 Current Won the 2 most prestigious awards in Bloomingdales organization tor sales service. and achievement of all measurable l


Job Skills
