COVER LETTER: To whom it may concern, In lieu of a resume this is a brief history of my background. I was born and raised in San Jose California and graduated from Camden/Branham High School in 1970. In High School I took 3 years of electronics and attended San Jose Vocational Center, studying Metallurgy. During school and for a few years after I had a home business of TV and electronics repair. I then inherited the family business of auto body repair, specializing in exotic and rare automobiles. I started and ran an automotive paint and supply store. Both businesses were sold. I then started a company called ASI Southern, an industrial repair company. ASI Southern does installation, relocation, and repairs on all types of manufacturing machines and associated equipment. I oversaw maintenance for US Ink's west coast operations located in Seattle, WA., San Leandro, CA., Oakland, CA. and Santa Fe Springs, CA. Traveling 3-5 day a week usually by air. This position lasted for 24 years until closing in 2014. They were the largest news print ink manufacturing company in the world, with more than 60 locations. They closed due to the decline in newspaper printing. I have been involved in the installation and setup of a fully automated paint manufacturing facility in Yuba City, Ca. I have done factory relocations and new equipment installations. Automation of existing manufacturing facilities has been growing over the last several years. Air audits and air system installations have been part of my business. I have done several retrofits on machines that are using mechanical drives, converting them to VFD (Variable Frequency Drive). Local and remote programing of PLC's (Programable Logic Controllers) for automation systems. I have installed CCTV and security systems in many locations. Most of my jobs require the use of Forklifts, Scissor lifts and articulated boom lifts. I am very knowledgeable and have a large selection of tools, power, hand and electrical. 24-hour emergency repair has been a large portion of my business. I have worked in many industries including, Ink, Paint, and Adhesives manufacturing. Food production, Pharmaceuticals, and Pet Food, to name a few. Most recently I have been responsible for the complete air supply and distribution systems for 3 separate Almond hulling operations in central California. Thank you for your consideration

