PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY IT professional with 12 years' experience running mission critical ecommerce data center that supported 500+ employees. Possess a wide range of technical skills and a focus on providing outstanding customer service. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Promoted to Lead Computer Operator, 2006 Promoted to Supervisor of Data Center, 2010 Saved data center staff 250+ hours per year by writing software to convert reports generated in flat file format to formatted Word documents, saved to the correct directory with name and date. Prior to this it was done manually Created application to quickly reset Active Directory Passwords improving improving help desk capabilities. It worked by as you typed the name of the user and as that happens it would begin to auto generate a list of matches. It also displayed their phone number and other relevant information so that it would be easy to contact them with a follow up. Accurately managed companies 150+ IBM 3151 terminals and corresponding terminal servers prior to upgrade to personal computers.