ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Installed instrumentation and trained TSA employees aft 9/11/2001 attacks in use of Egis III chemluminessence nitrogen-specific bomb detectors at Philadelphia, Detroit and Richmond airports. Installed instrumentation and trained personnel at Quantico FBI labs in use of CTC sample prep/auto samplers, GC/MS systems. Installed instrumentation and trained personnel for CDC project, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Detection using the CTC Dual Rail Sample preparation Robotic sample introduction GC/MS systems in US state capitals. Performed maintenance and qualification of all benchtop GC/MS systems at DEA labs. Installed instrumentation and trained personnel at ATF on thermal desorption, multidimensional GC/MS systems. Installed instrumentation and trained personnel at APG Edgewood area and DuPont Co in the decon nerve agent, low level detection using purge and trap GC/MS finial test. Identified novel Metabolite using liver enzymes affected by VX chemical warfare agent. Traveled to South Korea Osan AFB to set up, qualify instrumentation used to identify biological warfare agent and trained soldiers to use MS and protein digestion and identification using bio informatics software.

