EXECUTIVE PROFILE Technology, Operations, Sales and Technical Support Executive and Individual Contributor with extensive leadership experience spanning technology strategy, technical design, service management, technical program management, executive level customer relationship management, consulting, and network management. Strong knowledge of technology, management of technical people, and ability to clarify technical issues for client executives. Proven track record of providing excellent and thorough customer support through selection, design, implementation, and operational phases of global network services. * Provided technical and implementation support for single global client 3 year revenue growth from $28M to $210M. * Built and grew technical organization from 11 to 60 engineers over 3 year period. * Developed and negotiated all aspects of global telecommunications contract that produced $200M+ revenue per year for a 3 year period. * Recruited by IBM to design, construct, and integrate terrestrial voice and data network into existing in-house satellite network. * First non-degreed candidate to pass AT&T Executive Management Assessment program and receive line executive position. * One of two company-wide Technical Directors at MCI WorldCom.