ACCOMPLISHMENTS * Consolidated datacenters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Iowa to one centralized location leveraging resources and reducing operating cost while providing opportunities for growth while saving company $800K. * Spearheaded the development of a Data Exchange department providing Data Privacy for sensitive and critical information. Allowed us to provide a new service for critical exchange of data with our customers and vendors. * Led a multi-department project management team and vendors in implementing High Availability on AIX and I-Series platforms resulting in less downtime for business critical applications while providing a higher percentage of system and application availability to our business and customers * Accomplished enterprise scheduling for multiple departments and platforms centralizing application job scheduling and leveraging resources while reducing software license cost by $250K. * Developed Performance Metrics, Service Level Objectives, Incident Management, Request fulfillment and Standard Request policies and procedures to establish a brand and assist the business area with their expectations delivering consistent quality and service deliverables. * Merged and migrated print facilities to a centralized location by removing old infrastructure and leveraging new existing technology and resources while reducing maintenance cost by $300K. * Implemented tape encryption library hardware/software replacing old technology and cutting cost for offsite storage of tape environment by 50% while improving IT security control standards and policies disaster recovery. Page Two

Work Experience
(Confidential) | Business Consultant | 1/2017 - Present |
Trustmark Insurance | It Director | 1/2002 - 1/2016 |
Fiserv | Avp/Technical Support Manager | 1/1995 - 1/2002 |
Budget Rent A Car | Consultant/Operations Analyst | 1/1993 - 1/1995 |


Job Skills
