COVER LETTER: To whom it may concern: I have been working with many different kinds of industrial controls for the last 30 plus years, starting directly out of college. Most of my experience has been direct hands on experience, involving troubleshooting, repairing, retrofitting, and designing of industrial controls and systems, working with or managing teams of technicians to get the job done. I have many hours of experience on the manufacturing facility floor, as well as many hours in a shop environment. Being in the repair/service side of industrial controls for most of my career, I am well versed in most areas of industrial control, with particular acute knowledge in the areas of AC & DC motor controls, servo controls and servo motors, various PLC's and systems, temperature control systems, safety systems, obsolete controls, and many more. I would welcome the opportunity to sit down with you and discuss the opening you have for a controls engineer. Sincerely, Dan Pfouts

