SUMMARY Analytical - technically oriented Effective where there is a balance of latitude and structure - uncomfortable with ambiguous risk decisions Patient - likes a predictable workflow Methodical and systematic - dislikes disruption or change in work activities Very reserved - direct and straightforward communication style Perceives the need to be more deferential toward others and/or the job demands Perceives the need to be somewhat more analytical with job responsibilities, and project a more direct communication style TRAITS This section of the report describes the seven personality traits measured by the OAD Survey. Traits indicate how an individual basically behaves. Peoples` traits influence how they view, manage, and react to their work, the organization, what motivates them, and their potentials. Traits rarely change and, if they do, it is gradual and over a long period of time. Trait change does not respond to management or organizational entreaties or pressures. That is in the dimension of acquired behaviors. An inquisitive, analytical individual who thinks and communicates in a more "technical" manner. Prefers work activities of a project or goal-based nature, generally involving systems and procedures, as opposed to those emphasizing constant social interaction or "selling" responsibilities. Has firm ideas on how tasks should be carried out, and is inclined to stick with own ideas unless presented with clear, factual evidence justifying alternative methods. Likes to control and guide projects, but will consider the ideas of others if they present themselves as technically competent and knowledgeable. Until others demonstrate their competence, will also be reluctant to delegate authority. When in supervisory or leadership roles, he or she is fairly direct and occasionally brusque. Will challenge others and evaluate their performance on ability, expertise, and proven results. This individual can employ persuasive and selling styles, but will become authoritative if discouraged or impatient with work progress. Recognizes the usefulness of others` social and "selling" abilities, but will not defer to these abilities for the sake of results. This individual prefers some degree of latitude and independence in his/her work, but equally balanced by structure, clarity, and support. Most comfortable and effective in own areas of expertise and experience. Becomes quite uncomfortable and procrastinates when faced with issues or problems beyond personal expertise or perceived as risk decisions. In these situations this individual would like to exercise personal initiative, but hesitates in fear of making a wrong decision or being criticized by others. An easy-going and calm individual who usually deals with situations and people in a patient manner. Takes a deliberate, careful approach to problems, particularly if they involve resistance from others or confrontation. Most efficient and effective in work activities which are systematized and predictable. Does not like repeated interruptions or distractions which affect concentration and efficiency. A methodical person who handles tasks in an organized way. More effective where activities are expected and can be planned for, this person will be less effective where routines are disrupted and deadlines are prone to continual change. A very reserved individual who is shy around others until he or she gets to know and feels comfortable with them. Usually gravitates toward analytical and technical activities rather than those requiring social interaction and selling responsibilities. This individual`s communication style is quite straightforward and direct in nature. Consequently he/she is often uncomfortable in outside sales types of activities. This is a creative individual who thinks conceptually and is comfortable with the abstract. - who can find alternative solutions to problems. This individual will explore new ideas and procedures which may lie outside of existing company policies or procedures. It must be noted, however, that the quality of any individual`s creativity is enhanced or modified by education, experience, skills, and education - dimensions not measured by the OAD Survey. A controlled person who cautiously divulges personal feelings or demonstrates emotions. Can be perceived by others as being detached or uncaring, but may be sympathetic. Most often deals with issues and problems logically while placing own and others` feelings secondary. With a fairly high level of behavioral versatility, this individual can be flexible and responsive to a variety of situations or work environments. This individual has the ability to exhibit or utilize behaviors he or she perceives as being necessary although they may not be strong in the basic temperament. To a fairly strong degree, this individual can frequently behave out of character when seen as necessary. PERCEIVED JOB BEHAVIOR This section of the report describes Perceived Job Behaviors - the way the individual sees and responds to his or her job demands, management, the work climate, and the organizational culture and structure. Analyzing Job Behaviors of this individual and all members of a department provide an understanding of the reality of that area of operations. Do their perceptions coincide with management expectations* Are developing job behaviors relevant and contributing to performance* Are the behaviors counterproductive* Does management know* The organization can only affect behaviors, not traits. It is this section which provides information on individual or collective behavioral necessities and realities. The first step is to understand them, the next to manage them. Perceiving the need to tone down a naturally assertive temperament, this person is attempting to exhibit a more cooperative approach toward others or be less independent in the approach to work assignments. This is usually the result of responsibilities that do not require venturesome or innovative solutions and/or which require some degree of a structured approach. Also, the general culture may promote a more conservative work style. Finally, this individual may perceive that under present circumstances, gaining cooperation from others is a more productive style than being assertive. In adapting to the job this person perceives the need to take a more analytical and "technical" approach. This adjustment is often the result of most of the work activity requiring one to quantify, analyze, compare, etc. In addition to the job requiring a comparatively small amount of time having to "sell" or motivate others, this individual may also perceive that a more directive and straightforward communication style is more effective. By temperament, this individual is patient, systematic, and methodical, but perceives the need to exhibit a somewhat stronger sense of urgency. This is usually in response to a work environment that has some variety, change, and unexpected deadlines or shifts in priorities. This person perceives the job as requiring a careful approach and thorough handling of detail, follow-up, compliance with rules and guidelines, and an emphasis on specialized types of tasks. This person perceives the need to undertake responsibilities with a high degree of creativity - where conceptual and abstract thinking is required. Depending on temperamental make-up, he or she may apply creativity toward developing something new or refining something (tangible or intangible) that already exists. The quality of any individual`s creative output is always dependent on experience, skills, education, and intelligence - dimensions not measured by the OAD Survey. This individual perceives that the work environment and activities require considerable objectivity and a logical approach. Personal and others` emotions are largely set aside when handling tasks or dealing with other people. This individual perceives that his or her current position requires (like most of us) an average degree of behavioral versatility and adaptability to differing personalities, situations, and work stresses. The work environment changes moderately requiring occasional abilities to modify or accentuate behaviors in order to be responsive and effective.

