Professional Summary Highly operational and visionary leader. Superior ability to develop and maintain relationships with senior decision makers. Executive management experience in a high volume sensitive logistical field. Creative professional and concept development with such companies as Siemens, Lockheed, and SAIC. Strategically planned all organizational movements in a global environment for employees, management and contractors for each project requirement. Extensive project coordination for subcontracting in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Contact the US Air Force for tight deadline-driven and government agencies. Address Experience 12496 Windbush Way, Flaming Phoenix MD, New Horizon LED April 2008 to Carmel IN 46033 present Cell Partner/President 901-830-6601 shifts Owner- of full service day spa. Provided on site workshops with various massage and aestheticians in the midsouth area. Purchased all equipment and monitored all therapists schedules and personnel. Successfully operated the first luxury day spa in Desoto county. during most stressful time at 9/11 tragedy. Reviewed phone lines supervised employees manual implementation project planning as well as maintaining motivation within team.

