SUMMARY SELECTION of Papers, Presentations and Publications: * Diana Matonis, "Strategy and Economics", AIChE 2012 Annual National Meeting, Session: MBA in a Day, Pittsburgh, Pa, Oct 28 - Nov 2, 2012. * Diana Matonis, "Dealing with Uncertainty In Decision Making", AIChE 2011 Annual National Meeting, Session: 288. Developing Leadership Skills, Minneapolis Mn, Oct 16-214, 2011. * Diana Matonis, "Exogenous Uncertainty: Choosing Innovation Projects", AIChE 2011 Annual National Meeting, Session: 512c. Challenges In Open Innovation and Growth, Minneapolis Mn, April Oct 16-214, 2011. * Diana Matonis, D. Dieter, J. Sloan and B. Walker, "M&A Recommendations of Clean Tech U.S. Firms and Chinese Firms in Clean Technology", Beijing, China, 2010. * Matonis, Diana, D. Leppin and K. Fisher, "Development of a Computer Model for Optimizing Direct-injection H2S Scavenging Systems and how to solve H2S reduction in actual pipelines, " 88th International Gas Processors Association (GPA) Annual Conference, 2009. * Meyer, H. S., D. Matonis, D. Leppin, and S. Lynn, "UC Sulfur Recovery Process - Integrated Multi-Contaminant Removal Process for Coal-Derived, Warm Syngas Cleanup", PAPER Presented at The 32nd International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, June 10 - 15, 2007, Sheraton Sand Key, Clearwater, FL. * Matonis, Diana, Consulting, "Development of a Computer Model for Optimizing Direct-injection H2S Scavenging Systems and how to solve H2S reduction in actual pipelines, " Shell, UK, NAM, Private invitation, Aberdeen, Scotland, April, 2007. * Matonis, D.T. and R. Doctor, Hydrogen from Computational Fluid Dynamic modeling of bipolar steam solid oxide electrolysis cells. American Institute of Chemical Engineering 2005 Spring National Meeting, Session: 74b. Development in Electrolytic and Hybrid Routes to Hydrogen Production, Atlanta GA, April 10-14, 2005.

Work Experience
DCP Midstream | Senior Asset Engineer | 5/2011 - 8/2012 |
Natures Fuel, Inc. (WTLF Startup) | Consulting Chief Scientist | 6/2009 - 10/2009 |
Gas Technology Institute (GTI) | Senior and Principal Engineer | 8/2005 - 2/2009 |
(Confidential) | Lead Principal Engineer | 9/2004 - Present |

Identified new and original solutions for clients willing to purchase IP. Received Angel Funding up to $1 million for plant commercialization of a new technology. Identified and averted a pending plant possible catastrophic incident. Self-taught in Trend TradingCompanies I like:
IHS, Bentek, S&P Global Platts, ExxonMobil, Enterprise, EIA, Deloitte ConsultingLLP, Amec Foster Wheeler Limited, Poyry Management Consulting (UK) Limited

