Summary My Experience Started at 18 Years of age. I Started as a Laborer, shortly after I spent a few years Operating Equipment, Then became a Mechanic, I work on Heavy Equipment, Automotive, Trucks, Crushers, Hot Plants, Paving Equipment, Logging Equipment, as well as Heavy Mining Equipment, as well as Agriculture Equipment. and I would Travel to many Places in are Coverage area Rebuilding and Fixing Equipment.I would spend Time in the Shop Rebuilding Engines, Axles, Transmissions, and Differentials, and Hydraulic Cylinders, I did Many Tasks for RDO, I Fixed Equipment for them in North Wyoming. I would Fix lots of electrical issues Mechanical Issues as well as Fix equipment at the Mines. I also Fabricated and Built Work tables Benches Set Jip Cranes in Shop and other Fabricating Tasks. I was Laid off. I First Hired on the Dirt crew Fixing and Maintaining a Dirt Crew Many Excavators Dozers

Companies I like:
River Side Contracting
