Experience Summary: Throughout my 26 year experience tenure, I have the following objective knowledge in both hospital and office setting. * Proficient in EPIC, SECTRA, RIS, MED-STRAT and PACS systems * Performed daily QA for all modality * Ordered contrast material as well as all other supplies needed for department * Developed work flow to facilitate patient care efficiently while following department policy and procedure. Devised work flow techniques to ensure the needs of all clients were met in a timely manner * Assisted and problem solved with fellow technologists during difficult cases * Effectively kept open lines of communications between myself and fellow technologists * Proficient in contrast injections, as well as assisting others when difficulties arose * Schedule staffing appropriately on a daily basis and during unforeseen events. * Proofing of daily schedules to ensure proper procedures ordered coincide with clinical given * All blood work checked for creatinine and GFR for any contraindications for contrast procedures * Ensured all patients were properly prepped for all procedures * Assisted clerical staff and physicians in ordering proper procedures for clinical given, will not hesitate to clarify with said physician * In conjunction with office manager, able to direct technologists and clerical staff within the radiology office to ensure that the work flow was optimized and errors eliminated * Guarantee all images were transferred to PACS system for accuracy before sending cases for dictation. Hourly follow up to ensure completed dictation * Experience in mentoring students in cross training in multi modalities * I am cross trained in multi modalities allowing flexibility in using my experience where needed * I am a huge proponent of safety, practicing universal precautions, proper shielding, proper collimation, patient safety and infection control reviewed by in-services annually

