Summary of qualifications Experience 01/15 to Present- Purchasing Manager, Brookline College LLC, Phoenix Arizona. Brookline College is a private -profit, technical school headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona with campuses in Phoenix, Tempe, Tucson, and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Brookline College offers online and on campus education. * Responsible for buying the best quality equipment, goods and services for Brookline College at the most competitive prices. Meeting with Vendors, negotiating contracts, networking, monitoring campus inventory levels as well as sustainability, risk management and ethical issues. Tasked with increasing the efficiency of the purchasing system of Brookline in conjunction with cost saving ideas. * Forecasting levels of demand for services and products to meet the business needs and keeping a constant check on stock levels * Conducting research to ascertain the best products and suppliers in terms of best value, delivery schedules and quality * Liaising between suppliers, manufacturers, relevant departments and customers * Identifying potential suppliers, visiting existing suppliers, and building and maintaining good relationships with them * Negotiating and agreeing contracts and monitoring their progress, checking the quality of service provided * Keeping contract files and using them as reference for the future * Forecasting price trends and their impact on future activities * Developing an organizational purchasing strategy including producing reports and statistics. 10/07 TO 11/14 - Campus Buyer, Universal Technical Institute, Avondale, Arizona Universal Technical Institute, Inc. or UTI is a for-profit nationwide provider of technical education training for students seeking careers in entry level automotive, diesel, collision repair, motorcycle and marine technicians. * Experienced sourcing professional products within an educational environment, delivering negotiated high quality equipment, tools, parts and consumables to support a leading post-secondary institution * Collaborated with Education managers, instructors, and campus controller on the acquisition of capital expenditures, contract services, textbooks, automotive/diesel specialty parts and consumables to support the day to day curriculum and operations at the campus * Exceeded cost savings goal 3 years in a row by 15% * Created and reviewed RFQs, negotiated pricing and lead time, managed supplier relationships, improved quality, documented implemented contracts and price agreements * Sourced and ordered OEM and aftermarket automotive and diesel parts, vehicles, tools, custom training aids, electrical components, testing equipment, MRO software and IT, freight services, office supplies, janitorial, safety supplies * Collaborated with purchasing team to improve and document processes * Reviewed requisitions and placed orders in PeopleSoft ERP system reviewed inventory, assisted in planning and moving inventory, supported asset tracking, expedited orders, tracked open orders * Resolved defective or unacceptable goods and services with vendors ensured corrective action to achieve customer satisfaction * Trained campus personnel on correct and efficient use of purchasing system. Acted as first point of contact on questions regarding system * Maintained contract files ensuring accuracy * Provided assistance to Accounts Receivable Specialist with student overflow * Counseled students with retake fees and payment options to ensure that the students were able to continue in their classes without interruption * P Card Administrator * Uploaded purchasing card transaction data from Wells Fargo into the general ledger * Performed campus cardholder maintenance including user profiles for all campus users 07/04 to 10/07 - Financial Aid Supervisor, Universal Technical Institute, Avondale, Arizona * Directed report of seven Financial Aid Advisors * Provided support for Advisors as well as supervised ongoing activities in the Future/Active Student area * Monitored and worked with the Advisors in all preparation and packaging for the incoming student's financial aid * Performed as the supervisor staffing, training, and performance of Advisors ensuring staff is informed of changes that affect Financial Aid * Reviewed advisor's student files nine weeks in advance of student's start date * Counseled students and families to clarify and assist with the financial aid process * Monitored and supported Active Advisors to ensure completion of all follow up procedures, loan submittal, verification, and complete documentation of student files in compliance with Federal regulations * Responsible for creating and tracking of Student Stipends and Title IV Refunds * Coordinated and spoke at Student Orientation sessions, Open Houses, and Mid Year Meetings 05/03 to 07/04 - Financial Aid Active & Future Student Advisor, Universal Technical Institute, Avondale, Arizona * Provided continual Financial Aid support and guidance through the Active student's education * Completed all follow up procedures and Financial Aid packages for Active students * Responsible for all levels of loan submittal * Counseled Students to ensure a complete understanding if the Financial Aid package * Cleared up any discrepancies on the Active Student Reports * Completed documentation of student files * Document and review incoming student files and forms * Follow up on students Financial Aid paperwork to completion so that they can start school * Weekly Future Student Reports * Communicate personally and by telephone to ensure student and parent understanding of the Financial Aid Package 7/93 - 2/03 - Owner, Karen's Korner Floral Shoppe, Glendale, AZ * Led daily operations including designing, customer transactions, accounting, purchasing and overall management of store

