Occupation:Construction Carpenter |
Location:Pittsburgh, PA |
Education Level:Some College Units Completed |
Will Relocate:YES |
Summary of Qualifications Background includes 31 years of experience in construction, involving a detailed knowledge of these key areas Excavating..Foundations..Interior and Exterior finishing..Plumbing.. Roofing Shell Work..HVAC.. Carpentry..Electrical Work..Employee Management Estimating..Financial Management..Construction Schedules Blueprint Reading.. Engineering Drawing Material Coordination..Sales Professional Expérience Excellent communications skill. Able to interface with all levels of management and the public. Work well under pressure and against deadlines. Take charge of situations and deliver results. I have 30 hours OSHA training and CQC Certificate from the Army Corps of Engineering. HCC Construction Haymarket, Virginia 2016 - 2017 Sub - Contractor Terleski Contracting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2010 - 2016 Self - Employed James Construction, Carnegie, Pennsylvania 2009 - 2010 Project Superintendent James Construction specializes in Government renovation and new construction. Last project was in St. Louis, Mo. installing (4) new HVAC units in bldg. # 36 of the National Geospatial Agency.

