SUMMARY * Innovative and result oriented research scientist with a strong multidisciplinary background (Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology and Cancer Biology) with a focus on clinical applications. * Expertise in developing novel combination therapies, identifying drug resistance mechanisms, signaling pathways, tumor microenvironment. * Extensive molecular and cell biology experience in tumor model to determine targets and mechanisms of action of different drugs as well as to identify biomarkers. * Effective communicator with excellent planning, organizational strength as well as able to efficaciously meet scientific challenges and executed projects both individually and within teams. * Strong adherence to deadlines with the proven ability to multitask, ensuring the completion of project goals. * Demonstrated record of scientific accomplishment in basic and translation research through publications and oral presentations. * RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS Reviewer for peer-review journals- The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology Experimental Hematology PLOS-ONE Blood Frontiers.

