My responsibilities Managed 11 properties in my portfolio - consisting of condominiums, cooperatives and HOA's. Responsible for maintaining budgets, obtaining bids with the best and most competitive pricing for each property, manage capital improvements, work with staff at all properties, work with all Boards, maintain/provide minutes each month with a detailed agenda and meeting report. Attending Board meetings and provide regular updates to each Board. Conduct Annual meetings. Conduct regular site inspections and provide detail reports. Handle all emergencies seven days a week. as an office/property manager were to prepare all contracts for all tenants maintain tenant files and address all questions concerns and requests of all tenants. I was also to be sure that the properties interiors and exteriors were maintained in excellent condition. In addition my responsibilities included taking care of the insurance property taxes advertising hiring of contractors meeting with town officials and fire Marshall's to maintain buildings to code. If there was anything that needed to be done I was the main contact for any and all questions or concerns. Pay taxes for the properties. Handle all maintenance. Accounts payable and accounts receivables and deposits. Collection of rents. My job was to represent many different banks for residential purchase closings. Starting with reviewing the files for each closing and meeting bank instructions to conduct closing. Prepare files for each party and their attorney confirm bank wires and obtain requested certified funds. At each closing collect specified documentation and certify or notarize documents. Prepare a check list and obtain final closing instructions for disbursement approval. In addition to purchase closings I also conducted refinances and equity line closings. On some occasions I would also be responsible for the title closings for real estate as well. Must be well organized and pay attention to detail before during and after each closing.

