Summary of Qualifications July 1992-Feb. 2017 Worked for the State of New Mexico. Monitored and maintained Boilers, Low Pressure Chillers, and serviced pneumatic controlled air mixing boxes that controlled the temperatures throughout a building. Also serviced another building in which the comfort air was mainly controlled by Heat Pumps. * Have BO1 Low Pressure Boiler License * Earned EPA 608 Universal Refrigerant Handling License * Earned a Career Diploma as an HVAC Technician Repaired leaky faucets toilets urinals and sinks * Repaired up to 4 inch plumbing pipes (sewer and fresh water) * Replaced motors in heat pumps and circulating pumps Installed sinks VAV controllers faucet sensors flush-o-meters Disassembled Low Pressure boiler cleaned inside and outside and then reassembled

