Skill Summary: Proficient in the use of electronic test equipment & all types of hand / power tools. Reading/Writing schematics, wiring diagrams troubleshooting electronic circuitry and mechanical systems. Custom fabricated racing/competition vehicles to meet strict NRHA certification guidelines. This involved planning, design, construction & delivery of many high profile projects. 30 + years in automotive painting/refinishing. Experience with sales & high profile inventory control in the automotive parts industry. Project management experience. CAMBER CORPORATION / RDECOM / ECBC / ADM / Systems Integration Team: 10 Years- Current Managed projects which included time & employee management, control of schedule for machine work, welding time, and painting of quad-cons, sub assembly & final assembly of units shipped to the customer. Ordered & managed parts, materials, & consumables to complete the task. I also operate a 20' x 60' paint booth in our shop @ Edgewood Arsenal to paint various items from stationary items to military wheeled vehicles. I am the industrial refinisher on our team & am both respirator certified & trained in hazardous waste management. Proficient in the use of electronic test equipment. Reading schematics, wiring diagrams troubleshooting electronic circuitry and mechanical systems. Custom fabricated racing/competition vehicles to meet strict NRHA certification guidelines. This involved planning, design, construction & delivery of many high profile projects. Experience with high profile inventory control. Performed tasks to include construction, upgrades & integration of military training vehicles widely used by our troops to prepare them for "in theatre" exercises. Have maintained a steady pace on multiple projects within my area of ADM. This included modifying & testing of various systems as well as traveling to various sites, conus & oconus, to train troops & upgrade equipment & obtain feedback.