
Tina C

Occupational Therapist - 20 Years of Experience - Near 20774


Occupational Therapist


Upper Marlboro, MD

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



COVER LETTER: To whom this may concern: My name is Tina Francis and I live in Alexandria Virginia. Most of my carreer has been with Los Angeles County, California Children Services. The patient population consisted of children ages 0 to 21 years of age with Cerebral Palsy, Spinal injury, Brachial Plexus injury, TBI, ALS JRA, patients that required prosthetic training and Fibromyalgia. I also had an opportunity to run a DME clinic which included ordering customized wheelchairs, communication devices and ADL equipment. In California, I also has a weekend job working in a skilled nursing facility. The patient population included patients that had strokes, hip and knee replacement and prosthetic training. I moved to the state Virginia last year to be closer to family. I am currently working in a Sensory Integration clinic located in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The population within this clinic include: autistic children, and children with ADD and ADHD. The reason that I am applying for this positon is to work closer to home. With my extensive background working with the pediatric and adults within a nuerehab setting I would like to become a member of your team as a full time employee. OBJECTIVE: Seeking a full time position as a treating pediatric Occupational Therapist Assistant in the Virginia area.





