PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: I will get the lights back on, it's what I do. I have a proven record of solving complex and unstructured emergency management problems with world wide experience in strategic planning, emergency management and interagency coordination. I build adaptive teams that leverage all assets to achieve organizational objectives. * * Complex/Unstructured Problem Solver * Emergency Manager and Reconstruction Planner * Legal and Regulatory Compliance Manager * Interagency Planner and Coordinator * Leader * Law Enforcement Professional Led U.S. Army, Kirkuk, IQ Advised the senior leadership of a 10,000 person police department. Coordinated activities of 136 law enforcement subject matter experts to improve police performance * Instituted statistical analysis to identify crime patterns, improving resource allocation, reducing crime by 10% * Conducted the first inter-agency emergency management exercise improving coordination between responders team mentoring organizations in inter-agency coordination emergency management and reconstruction * Trained senior leadership of 18 large organizations in effective planning and execution of reconstruction funding and project management Coordinated efforts of federal, Diyala, IQ Lead emergency management and reconstruction planner for a province of 1.5 million people. Coordinated emergency response and reconstruction efforts of a 3000 person organization with U.S. and Iraqi Agencies at the local, regional and national levels. Adapted to multiple changes and still achieved organizational effects * Instituted the "Coca Cola and Tupperware" assessment that developed a true picture of economic conditions * Administered a $30,000,000 reconstruction budget completing over 480 essential services projects * Successfully reestablished essential services and governance state and local agencies in multiple complex criminal investigations * Led a multi-agency team in dismantling an international precursor importation ring resulting in the seizure of over 200,000 pills of pseudo-ephedrine and multiple arrests in Canada and the United States * Represented DEA on an anti-gang task force. Efforts resulted in a successful murder prosecution * Spearheaded investigation into multi-state drug distribution organization resulting in the seizure of over $100,000,000 as well as criminal convictions in Ohio Florida and California

