SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: * Marketing analysis and strategy, promotions, management traditional/non-traditional markets, direct market, direct-to-consumer, retail, wholesale * Market penetration clubs, bookstores, TV/Radio broadcasters, cataloguers, denomination publishers, national/international organizations, broadcast bartering, foreign and domestic product/broadcast licensing, media buying and syndication * Multiple project management * Account strategy and management * Research and development, content editing, license and customization * Target clienteles' needs, identify product need, customize * Create and execute contracts and proposals * Plan, strategize, and execute client visits, workshops, conventions, and conferences * Scout for and develop new clientele * Build relationships with clients on behalf of company * Train and motivate freelance sales representatives, manage continuity program * Market product through workshops, seminars, teach classes * Recruit and instruct new personnel, develop marketing strategies and promotions * Maintain inventory, bookkeeping, filing, cashier, record keeping, order entry * Forecast, budget, sales projections, sales reports * Office management, independent contractor * MS Office Professional, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, Word Perfect, ACT * Create spreadsheets, databases, letters and documents, proposals and contracts ACCOMPLISHMENTS: * Small business owner, and CEO. Generate new revenue through market analysis and strategy, and curriculum/product market identification and customization. Develop and penetrate new markets through identifying specific organization opportunities, and place curriculum/product in organizations such as: The Salvation Army National Headquarters, Guideposts Books, Reader's Digest, Doubleday-Direct, PBS, Crossings Book Club, Bookspan, Coral Ridge, Focus On The Family, The National Day of Prayer, Campus Crusade for Christ, AWANA Clubs, Int'l, and others

